Get Fit with Just 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day


Time is a commodity. No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. With only so much time to devote to the non-negotiable stuff (like work and sleep), and the rest being absorbed by familial obligations, finding time to exercise is wistful. When the desire to exercise is there, but … Read more

Support System for Success – Vision Board Challenge Day 6

Vision Board

In my desire to be an entrepreneur, I can definitely say that surrounding myself with like-minded people all geared towards success has been very powerful. It’s boosted my confidence and kept me motivated. Unfortunately, those people are all relative strangers to me. We were randomly chosen by our position in a line on a spreadsheet … Read more

Daydreaming – Vision Board Challenge Day 4


At one time or another, we’ve all found ourselves daydreaming about something: recalling a beautiful day at the beach, a favorite family memory, or good times with friends. Daydreaming can equally be happy or unhappy thoughts. When we think about the idea of visualization, it begs the question: Is daydreaming the same as visualization? What … Read more

Athletes and Imagery – Vision Board Challenge Day 3


The field of sports psychology, among other things, includes the study of how psychological factors affect performance. It’s no wonder then, that visualization plays an increasingly important role for athletes as they prepare for a big race or games. A Tool for Success Long before the game or the race starts, athletes have already played … Read more