How To Care For Your 50+ Year Old Skin


You’ve probably heard the saying “your skin is your largest organ” a million times. That’s true, but it’s also confusing: how are you supposed to take care of your largest organ? And how does skincare need to change for your 50+ year old skin? And of course, the big question is, “How can I have … Read more

Why Having a Workout Partner Is a Great Idea

Workout Partner

Most things in life are more fun with a friend. Going to the beach, getting a cup of coffee, shopping for a special occasion outfit. All kinds of activities are improved by having a buddy along. It gives you someone to chat with while you’re together and someone to reminisce with when it’s over. Working … Read more

Why a Nutrition Coach Might be Right for You

Is a nutrition coach right for you?

Is a Nutrition Coach right for me? What is a Nutrition Coach anyway? All great questions. First, let me tell you how I feel about coaching in general. If you have a goal and you don’t know where to start, you need a coach. If you’ve tried to achieve a goal in the past and … Read more

Fear is Why Your Fitness Goals Fail


Fear is why your fitness goals fail. It’s not motivation, laziness, lack of time, or willpower. It’s fear. That sounds like an unrealistic charge, but the fact is it’s true. Your conscious mind doesn’t know it to be true, but your unconscious one sure as heck does. Fitness goals come in all shapes and sizes. … Read more

Yes – Women over 50 CAN Lift Weights!


It’s no secret that exercise of any kind has profound benefits on your overall health. If you’re a woman over 50 looking for a little bit more of a challenge, you might be wondering, “Can women over 50 lift weights?” The answer to that is a resounding YES! Women over 50 can lift weights. And … Read more

How to Build a Successful Weight Loss Budget


Do you have a weight loss budget? If not, and weight loss is your goal, you’re missing a critical informational element in the entire process that could guarantee success. Think of it this way: To save money, you have to spend less than what you make. The same premise applies to losing weight. You have … Read more

The Endless Benefits of Mindful Eating

Get ready to learn about the endless benefits of mindful eating and how you can introduce some of these practices in your life. Raise your hand if you’ve plowed through a bag of Hershey Kisses, potato chips, or another forbidden snack and can’t remember the first kiss, chip, or bite. That is trademark mindless eating … Read more

What is Healthy Eating and Good Nutrition?


Not long ago, I received an email from a reader who told me, “my doctor told me to improve my nutrition, but I don’t know how.” Well, clearly, the doctor didn’t know how either because she didn’t give my reader any advice or direction! Don’t be surprised. According to a 2010 report from Academic Medicine, … Read more

Re-starting your New Year’s Resolution

Re-start you New Year's resolution

I know; it’s May and I’m talking about re-starting your New Year’s resolution. But there’s a good reason for that. For the past several weeks, as I’ve pulled into the parking lot of my local gym, I’ve noticed fewer and fewer cars. After all, it’s around this time that many New Year’s resolutions centered around … Read more