Surprising Ways CBD Will Help You Fight Anxiety

In recent times CBD has developed more and more of a reputation as being something of a ‘cure all’ miracle substance. This reputation is not misleading since this extract from the cannabis plant does have a whole host of positive effects. One such effect is how it can help those suffering with anxiety. Through the use of CBD oil, many patients have seen a notable decrease in symptoms of anxiety, as shown in this study conducted in 2010.

Today we explore how CBD works to combat anxiety and surprising ways CBD will help you fight anxiety.

What Is CBD?


Cannabidiol, known more commonly as CBD is an extract from the cannabis plant. But unlike the more commonly recognized THC, it does not cause a ‘high’ effect when used. CBD is a naturally occurring substance which can be used for a variety of things such as in foods.

You can take CBD extract as an oil, tincture, capsules, body products, and as a vape liquid.

How Does CBD Differ From THC?


THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the substance that is responsible for users becoming ‘high’ after taking it. This is the most potent ingredient in what we commonly know as weed. Like CBD, THC is an extract from the cannabis plant. Yet, THC has a different effect on the brain and body. Because many people often confuse CBD and THC as being the same thing they frequently put off trying CBD. However, CBD will not alter the brain in such a way that you experience a high from using it. Instead, CBD interacts with the brain in a much more positive manner as we will describe.

What Are the Benefits Of CBD?

CBD oil has a wide range of benefits, some of the most common ones include better sleep, reduction of risk for certain types of cancer, pain relief and many more. One of the most interesting benefits comes in the form of anxiety relief. We are seeing more and more studies are showing that there is some serious potential for sufferers to find relief. One such study, conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) which can be seen on their website showed that stress levels were significantly reduced when the product was tested on rats. Not only this but the research also suggested that physical symptoms of anxiety were reduced. This included a lowering of the heart rate amongst other things.

When you take CBD, you will likely notice that you benefit from a feeling of being relaxed but this does not come alongside the high feeling that THC brings.

How Does CBD Interact with The Brain?

Brain receptors

Within our brains are a variety of receptors. These receptors are made up from proteins and receive stimulating signals. Specifically, CBD oil stimulates the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

These particular receptors are usually located within both the periphery and central nervous systems. Serotonin is one of those receptors. It is responsible for regulating our moods as well as playing a part in other bodily functions such as digestion, sexual desire, and sleep among others. In patients who suffer from anxiety and depression, lower levels of serotonin are CBD causes serotonin signals to change. This causes some relief from symptoms associated with anxiety.

This activity produced a calming effect within the brain, allowing patients to better manage any feelings of stress or anxiety that may arise.

How CBD Might Be Used for Neurological Benefit

Many advantages are noted when it comes to the neurological effects caused by CBD. For instance, there is some evidence to suggest that CBD might be able to help with symptoms associated with dementia. Whilst there have been many suggestions that using CBD can reduce the risk of developing neurological conditions such as Alzheimer disease, there is no hard evidence to back up this claim.

There are various aspects of the brain that CBD can help with. The first being that it creates a form of protection for the cells in the brain which can lead to better brain function. Secondly, patients who use CBD report feeling better due to the way that the brain reacts when presented with feelings of anxiety.

What Is Anxiety and How Does CBD Help It?


Anxiety is a mental health condition which many people struggle with. In some cases, it can be mild but for other people, this can be a life limiting condition which can stop them from doing things such as socializing and going out to work.

Anxiety occurs when the brain is presented with a stressful situation. What counts as stressful will differ from person to person, and as a result, the patient will feel intense feelings of fear or nervousness. The feelings of those who suffer from a recognized anxiety disorder are a lot more vivid. In some, their emotions are coupled with physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and loss of appetite.

Using CBD For Anxiety


You may opt to try CBD oil as a solution to your anxiety. You may be surprised by the results. We briefly touched on a study which showed stress levels reduced when testing CBD on animals. This is something that you are likely to experience when using the product.

Aside from a general anxiety disorder, CBD has been seen to reduce the effects of more complex anxiety-based conditions. This includes social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A controlled study conducted in 2011 showed that patients who tried a 400mg dose of CBD displayed a reduction in their anxiety related symptoms.

It has also been observed that the use of CBD has a physical effect on the amount of blood flow to certain parts of the brain. These areas of the brain are usually responsible for the feelings experienced with anxiety. With this reduced blood flow, the symptoms are somewhat relieved. Alongside this, there has been research to suggest that CBD can produce an anti-depressant effect. A feeling of low mood or depression can often accompany anxiety and so you might think of it as a double-edged sword when it comes to combating both of these conditions.

Anxiety sufferers find difficulty with sleep. CBD has been shown to improve the ability to not only fall asleep but also to stay asleep. This could be a life-changing benefit for people struggling with this aspect of anxiety.

Is CBD A Better Alternative to Pharmaceutical Drugs for Anxiety?

Anxiety medication

Currently, millions of people all over the world are prescribed a class of drug called SSRI’s. These drugs are effective in relieving symptoms of anxiety, however they often come with a multitude of side effects. Each person will experience side effects differently but some of the most common ones associated with this type of medication are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Dry mouth
  • Problems relating to sex such as a reduced sex drive or the inability to reach orgasm
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle spasms

Many of these symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and one of the main advantages of using a CBD oil to treat anxiety is that it has no side effects. On top of this, CBD is a much less expensive alternative to the SSRI’s that are currently in use.

This alternative solution for tackling anxiety could actually be much more effective than traditional pharmaceutical options. According to a survey taken in 2017, when switching to CBD over their medication for anxiety, 40% of patients claimed that they found it to be more effective.


Anxiety is a mental health condition which affects many millions of people worldwide and for the most part is treated using pharmaceutical medications in the form of SSRI’s. Whilst these drugs are effective, they can bring with them some unpleasant side effects. CBD does not produce any side effects and may be a better solution when it comes to treatment of anxiety disorders such as OCD and PTSD.

CBD is a natural substance occurring in the cannabis plant. It is important to note that CBD does not produce a high like its cousin THC, and so is ideal for everyday use. The chemical has a reaction within the brain, stimulating certain receptors and therefore reducing the effects of anxiety.

CBD could be the way forward when it comes to effectively managing anxiety and the symptoms that patients experience with it.

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