
Daydreaming – Vision Board Challenge Day 4

At one time or another, we’ve all found ourselves daydreaming about something: recalling a beautiful day at the beach, a favorite family memory, or good times with friends. Daydreaming can equally be happy or unhappy thoughts.

When we think about the idea of visualization, it begs the question:

Is daydreaming the same as visualization?

What does it mean to daydream?

I’ve never set out to intentionally daydream – it just kind of happens. It can occur while I’m watching TV, during a commute, or sometimes even in conversation.

My mind unconsciously wanders off on to a similar topic or something completely different. I don’t really hear or see what’s around me. My thoughts are totally focused inward.

How visualization is different than daydreaming?

Visualization is very different than daydreaming. Instead, visualization is intentional. It has a directed purpose and is usually done with a very specific outcome in mind.

When you prepare for visualization, you are consciously thinking about something very specific. It could be achieving a dream or goal about which you feel very passionate. The very fact that there is emotion tied to it is what differentiates visualization from daydreaming.

Visualizing is a powerful tool that you can use to design your life.

Day 4: I challenge YOU to post one Vision Board picture a day for 10 days. No explanation, no review, just the picture. Nominate someone else to do the same!

Daydreaming Bronco

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