A Mind Hack for Sensible Eating


After nine months of intense physical therapy following reconstructive knee surgery, I was discharged by my orthopedic surgeon. It was unexpectedly emotional for me. I sat in my car and cried thinking “I did it! I got my life back!” I wouldn’t call myself fearless or a risk-taker, but there are some things I’ve tackled … Read more

If You Knew Then What You Know Now


They say hindsight is 20/20. It’s easy to look back at your past decisions and understand what you got right and what you got wrong along the way.   Some of the lessons are big ones (we all have THAT relationship that we wish we had never started), but some lessons are smaller, though just as … Read more

How To Care For Your 50+ Year Old Skin


You’ve probably heard the saying “your skin is your largest organ” a million times. That’s true, but it’s also confusing: how are you supposed to take care of your largest organ? And how does skincare need to change for your 50+ year old skin? And of course, the big question is, “How can I have … Read more

Fear is Why Your Fitness Goals Fail


Fear is why your fitness goals fail. It’s not motivation, laziness, lack of time, or willpower. It’s fear. That sounds like an unrealistic charge, but the fact is it’s true. Your conscious mind doesn’t know it to be true, but your unconscious one sure as heck does. Fitness goals come in all shapes and sizes. … Read more

The Endless Benefits of Mindful Eating

Get ready to learn about the endless benefits of mindful eating and how you can introduce some of these practices in your life. Raise your hand if you’ve plowed through a bag of Hershey Kisses, potato chips, or another forbidden snack and can’t remember the first kiss, chip, or bite. That is trademark mindless eating … Read more

Re-starting your New Year’s Resolution

Re-start you New Year's resolution

I know; it’s May and I’m talking about re-starting your New Year’s resolution. But there’s a good reason for that. For the past several weeks, as I’ve pulled into the parking lot of my local gym, I’ve noticed fewer and fewer cars. After all, it’s around this time that many New Year’s resolutions centered around … Read more

How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle

Create a Healthy Lifestyle

I know I talk a lot about eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising to create a healthy lifestyle. That’s because I believe that all of these things can improve our longevity and independence no matter what our age. To me, these efforts translate to not having to take handfuls of very expensive medication … Read more

How Probiotics Relieve My Constipation and Help Me Poop

How Probiotics Help Me Poop

I’m about to get really personal here. Today I want to talk about poop, constipation, and probiotics. I’m letting you know now so you can click away or read on like you’re watching a slow-motion train wreck. You simultaneously want to know yet don’t want to know what’s going to happen. A Life of Constipation … Read more

Important Things I Learned on my ACL Rehab Journey

ACL Rehab Journey

A little over four months ago, I began physical therapy to rehab my right knee after reconstructive ACL surgery. I’d had other orthopedic surgeries before, but this recovery effort was drastically different. I have learned a lot of important things during my ACL rehab journey. Things like patience, perseverance, resilience, and how to take control … Read more